Snakes and your Pets
Encounters between domestic pets and native wildlife are not uncommon. An encounter with a venomous snake can have devastating consequences for both snake, as well as your beloved pet.
There are many ways you can minimise the risk of your pet finding themselves in a problematic situation.
Dogs - Dogs by nature can be either inquisitive, confrontational or even both, when it comes to other animals.
* When walking your dog(s), always remember to walk your dog on a lead and do not them stray into bushland, gardens or areas where you do not have a clear line of sight to any potential danger.
*Where wildlife enters a private yard, always remember to be attentive to unusual behaviour such as persistent barking or continued interest in a particular area of the yard.
*It is possible to have dogs trained to avoid snakes and other wildlife.

Snakes and your Pets
Cats - Unfortunately, domestic cats are a very real problem for native wildlife. The key difference between domestic cats and dogs is our attitude toward each.
Simply put, most people would never consider letting their dog(s) roam freely around the neighbourhood or nearby bushland. However, there is a significant difference when it comes to domestic cats, with many thinking that it is ok, even necessary to let a pet cat roam free.
There are many unforseen dangers with roaming cats.
1. Domestic cats DO kill native wildlife.
2. Cats, even domesticated, spread diseases that are detrimental to wildlife as well as humans, yes us.
3. Cats often return to their homes with "trophies", and these are often still alive. - It is not unusual for a snake catcher to be called to a residence where a live snake is trapped in a bedroom as a result of roaming cat having returned with it from a hunting session. This places people in very real danger, as frightened and/or injured snakes are extremely dangerous and are most likley to try to defend themselves at this time.
4. When left to roam, cats can fall victim to cars, other cats and can be killed by native wildlife.
5. It is NOT cruel to contain cats within a house or dwelling that has all provisions.
There are laws pertaining to domestic cats in many shires and councils.
Check with your local shire regading the laws pertaining to the keeping of domestic pets.